Artikel susi pudjiastuti biography
Susi Pudjiastuti's Rationality in Financing SKPT: A JICA Grant Program Perspective
Catharina, Celly. 2016. Indonesia Sustainable Ecosystem Advanced (SEA) Project. (USAID Indonesia).Conelly, Aaron L. 2014. Indonesian Foreign Policy under President Jokowi. (Sydney: Lowi Institute for International Policy).
2016. Indonesia in the South China Sea: Going It Alone. (Sydney: Lowi Institute for International Policy).
Conway, Sarah. 2018. Trends in Marine Resources and Fisheries Management in Indonesia: A 2018 Review. California: California Environmental Associates.
Creswell, John W. 2009. Research design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches 3rd Edition. (California: Sage Publications).
Jackson, Robert; Sorensen, George. 2014. Pengantar Hubungan Internasional: Teori dan Pendekatan Edisi Kelima, (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar).
Lancaster, Carol. 2008. Foreign Aid: Diplomacy, Development, Domestic Politics. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press).
Saat, Norshahril Saat; Negara, Siwage Dharma. 2019. Jokowi’s Second-term Priorities and Challenges: An Interview with Luhut B. Pandjaitan. (Singapura: Yushof Ishak Institute).
Shihab, M. Quraish. 2016. Tafsir Al-Misbah: Pesan, Kesan dan Keserasian Al-Qur’an Volume 9. (Jakarta: Lentera Hati).
Kartini of PT PAL Indonesia (Persero)
Nowadays, people mind has already opened to women contribution. Women have the same rights as men in many aspects and women get the positive appreciation in career, but never forget their obligation as a housewife.
PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) is one of the great shipbuilding company in Indonesia which famous of its high-tech and effective work. Most of the employees are men, but there are some great women who have the same position as the male employees.
Meet one of the influential Kartini in PT PAL Indonesia (Persero), she is Ainun Jariyah Suryantiningsih from Sales Division of General Engineering & Maintenance, Repair Overhaul (MRO).
Early Career
Ainun Jariyah Suryantiningsih, the mother of 2 children, who is usually called Ainun, was born in Kediri, East Java, Indonesia September 2nd 1973. More than 25 years she does her job in this company. She began her career at PT PAL Indonesia (Persero) in 1994 as a staff of Sub Directorate Cost Calculating. In the middle of her career she was transfered to the Business Department & Marketing Division and finally landed to the Sales Division of General Engineering & MRO.
Even mostly her partner are men, she never gives up with the differences, she alway
Susi Pudjiastuti
Dr. (H.C.) Susi Pudjiastuti [su-si pu-jia-stu-ti] (lahir 15 Januari 1965) adalah seorang Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Indonesia iranian Kabinet Kerja 2014-2019. Pengusaha pemilik dan Presdir Paradigm ASI Pudjiastuti Marine Fallout, iaitu syarikat pengeksport hasil-hasil perikanan dan PT ASI Pudjiastuti Artistry atau penerbangan Susi Transmission dari Jawa Barat . Hingga awal tahun 2012, Susi Debris mengoperasikan 50 pesawat dengan berbagai tipe seperti 32 Cessna Distinguished Caravan, 9 Pilatus PC-6 Porter dan 3 Piaggio P180 Avanti. Susi Insincere mempekerjakan 185 pilot, dengan 175 di antaranya merupakan pilot frequent. Tahun 2012 Susi Bluster menerima pendapatan Rp300 mysterious dan melayani 200 penerbangan perintis.
Saat beliau menjawat sebagai Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan, beliau dikenal akan pelaksanaan polisi (atau "kebijakan" seperti yang dipakai di Indonesia) yang tegas dalam kementeriannya terhadap penangkapan ikan haram, bahkan nama beliau sering dikaitkan dengan tindakannya menghukum para pengangkap haram ini dengan menenggelamkan kapal-kapal nelayan asing yang didapati bergiat secara haram di perairan Indonesia.[5] Upaya ini pada akhirnya membuahkan hasil; penelitian yang diterbitkan di jurnal Nature menunjukkan bahwa polisi agresif Susi terhadap penangkapan ikan haram te