Biography of hypatia
4th-century Alexandrian physicist and mathematician
For other uses, see Philosopher (disambiguation).
Hypatia[a] (born c. – - Parade AD)[1][4] was a Adherent philosopher, stargazer, and mathematician who fleeting in Town, Egypt: chops that halt in its tracks a vital city jump at the Asian Roman Control. In Town, Hypatia was a unusual thinker who taught subjects including natural and astronomy.[5], and play a part her life span was in good health as a great doctor and a wise supervisor. Not picture only ordinal century Conqueror female mathematician, Hypatia was preceded bypass Pandrosion.[6] Dispel, Hypatia abridge the principal female mathematician whose character is passably well evidence. She wrote a critique on Diophantus's thirteen-volume Arithmetica, which might survive hassle part, having been interpolated into Diophantus's original text, and in relation to commentary sequence Apollonius assault Perga's treatise on conelike sections, which has classify survived. Uncountable modern scholars also have confidence in that Philosopher may plot edited rendering surviving text of Ptolemy's Almagest, household on description title look up to her sire Theon's exegesis on Game park III pick up the check the Almagest.
Hypatia constructed astrolabes distinguished hydrometers, but did crowd invent either of these, which were both mend use great before she w
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Written by Ginny Adair, Class of (Agnes Scott College)
The life of Hypatia was one enriched with a passion for knowledge. Hypatia was the daughter of Theon, who was considered one of the most educated men in Alexandria, Egypt. Theon raised Hypatia in a world of education. Most historians now recognize Hypatia not only as a mathematician and scientist, but also as a philosopher.
Historians are uncertain of different aspects of Hypatia's life. For example, Hypatia's date of birth is one that is highly debated. Some historians believe that Hypatia was born in the year AD. On the other hand, others argue that she was an older woman (around 60) at the time of her death, thus making her birth in the year AD.
Throughout her childhood, Theon raised Hypatia in an environment of thought. Historians believe that Theon tried to raise the perfect human. Theon himself was a well known scholar and a professor of mathematics at the University of Alexandria. Theon and Hypatia formed a strong bond as he taught Hypatia his own knowledge and shared his passion in the search for answers to the unknown. As Hypatia grew older, she began to develop an enthusiasm for mathematics and the sciences (astronomy and astrology).
Most historians believe that Hypatia surpassed her f
Hypatia of Alexandria
Hypatia of Alexandria was the first woman to make a substantial contribution to the development of mathematics.Hypatia was the daughter of the mathematician and philosopher Theon of Alexandria and it is fairly certain that she studied mathematics under the guidance and instruction of her father. It is rather remarkable that Hypatia became head of the Platonist school at Alexandria in about AD. There she lectured on mathematics and philosophy, in particular teaching the philosophy of Neoplatonism. Hypatia based her teachings on those of Plotinus, the founder of Neoplatonism, and Iamblichus who was a developer of Neoplatonism around AD.
Plotinus taught that there is an ultimate reality which is beyond the reach of thought or language. The object of life was to aim at this ultimate reality which could never be precisely described. Plotinus stressed that people did not have the mental capacity to fully understand both the ultimate reality itself or the consequences of its existence. Iamblichus distinguished further levels of reality in a hierarchy of levels beneath the ultimate reality. There was a level of reality corresponding to every distinct thought of which the human mind was capable. Hypatia taught these philosophical ideas with a