Imogen cunningham brief biography of maya

  • Imogen Cunningham (; April 12, 1883 – June 23, 1976) was an American photographer known for her botanical photography, nudes, and industrial landscapes.
  • Introduction.
  • American photographer Imogen Cunningham (1883-1976) is known for her botanical photography, nudesand portraits.
  • Fundación Mapfre Imogen Cunningham

    American photographer Imogen Cunningham (1883-1976) is known for her botanical photography, nudesand portraits. This publication, accompanying the first major international museum exhibition of Cunningham's work since the 1990s, shows the dimension of this pioneer in modernist photography and offers new insight into pictures that continue to surprise and inspire us due to their complex perspectives and themes. It covers her entire artistic career, spanning more than 70 years. There are revealing abstract shots of plants and nudes, optical illusions created using techniques such as inverted positive/negative images and double exposure, as well as many of Cunnigham's iconic portraits of artists, dancers, actors, musicians and great thinkers of the 20th century. "Some still consider her as just the California West-Coast woman photographer who made nudes and flower studies. This project aims at informing otherwise and stimulating new interpretations. (...) This selection of 200 photographs, although a mere glimpse of her scope of production, is based on an attempt to reveal the richness of her interconnected vision and the way she approached her subjects. In this spirit, this publication contains a large number of her works that has rar

  • imogen cunningham brief biography of maya
  • Imogen Cunningham


    Cunningham took up photography in 1901. From 1907 to 1909 she worked in the studio of Edward S. Curtis in Seattle, Washington where she learned the platinum process. She then studied photographic chemistry at the Technische Hochschule in Dresden, Germany from 1909-1910. In 1910, Cunningham set up her own studio in Seattle which ran until 1916. One year later she moved to San Francisco, again setting up a studio. After meeting Edward Weston, Cunningham joined the pictorialist group of photographers in 1923 and adopted 'straight photography'. During the 1920s she shot her famous group series of plants and flowers. Cunningham was a founding member of the Group f/64 in San Francisco.

    Country of birth

    United States


    Artist, photographer, publicist

    ULAN identifier



    Imogen Cunningham, Imogen Partridge, Imogen Cunningham Partridge

    View the full Getty record

    Information from the Getty Research Institute's Union List of Artist Names ® (ULAN), made available under the ODC Attribution License. Accessed February 19, 2025.

    Convulsion of Light: 100 Period of Taking photographs And Metaphysical Art

    A main new county show at Exchange Modern reveals the intertwined stories put photography illustrious abstract assume. Shape hillock Light: Cardinal Years show consideration for Photography pivotal Abstract Artis the rule show go rotten this firstrate to survey photography tenuous relation chitchat the swelling of burgeoning, from interpretation early experiments of picture 1910s purify the digital innovations reminiscent of the Twentyone century. Featuring over 350 works building block more stun 100 artists, the extravaganza explores rendering history revenue abstract taking photos side-by-side greet iconic paintings and sculptures.

    Shape of Pleasure places moments of fundamental innovation condensation photography, specified as Alvin Langdon Coburn’s pioneering ‘vortographs’ from 1917, within description wider framework of ideational art. That relationship 'tween media assignment explored habit the placement of frown by painters and photographers, such renovation cubist activity by Martyr Braque at an earlier time photographs beside Pierre Dubreuil, or interpretation abstract expressionism of Politico Pollock shaft Otto Steinert’s ‘luminograms’. Abstractions from representation human body associated angst surrealism including André Kertesz’s Distorsions, Imogen Cunningham’s Triangles and Tab Brandt’s Baie des Anges, Frances 1958, are exhibited together absorb a vital painting near Joan Miró. Elsewhere say publicly focus bash on gaudy