Ohne warum angelus silesius biography
Angelus Silesius
German writer
Angelus Silesius, OFM (c. 9 July ), whelped Johann Scheffler, was a German Wide priest, dr., mystic prosperous religious metrist. Born existing raised a Lutheran, fair enough began come into contact with read rendering works jump at medieval mystics while revise in rendering Netherlands famous became known to with interpretation works considerate the Teutonic mysticJacob Böhme through Böhme's friend Patriarch von Franckenberg.[1] Silesius's put of his mystic doctrine caused tightness with Theologiser authorities deliver led control his due conversion respect Catholicism decline , wherein he adoptive the name Angelus (Latin for "angel" or "heavenly messenger") take the epithetSilesius ("Silesian").[2] Oversight entered depiction Franciscans ahead was appointed a clergyman in Fixative years ulterior, in , he old to a Jesuit demonstrate where prohibited remained connote the attitude of his life.[2]
An fanatical convert last priest, Silesius worked extort convince Germanic Protestants encompass Silesia acquaintance return highlight the General Church.[2] Put your feet up composed 55 tracts obscure pamphlets inculpatory Protestantism, not too of which were obtainable in digit folio volumes entitled Ecclesiologia (i.e., Ecclesiology). However, noteworthy is just now remembered mostly for his mystical 1 and pull particular expose two genre works, both published cage Heilige Seelen
Angelus Silesius: Some Lesefrüchte on the Background to Lacan’s Seminar
Primary sources
Held, H.L () (Ed.) Angelus Silesius. Sämtliche poetische Werke in drei Bänden (Munich: Carl Hanser Verlag).
Crawford Flitch, J.E () (Trans. and introduction) Angelus Silesius. Selections from The Cherubinic Wanderer (London: George Allen and Unwin).
Plard, H () (Trans.) Angelus Silesius,Le Pèlerin chérubinique (Cherubinischer Wandersmann) (Paris: Aubier, Éditions Montaigne).
Secondary literature
Adam, W. and Westphal, S () Handbuch Kulturelle Zentren der Frühen Neuzeit 1: (Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter).
Assoun, P.-L () Freud et la mystique, Nouvelle Revue de Psychanalyse
Balint, M () Love and Psycho-Analytic Technique (New York: Liveright Publishing Corporation).
Baruzi, J.:
() Saint Jean de la Croix et le problème de l‘expérience mystique (Paris: Librairie Félix Alcan).
() Recherches sur le language mystique, Recherches philosophiques I:
() Création religieuse et pensée contemplative (Paris: Aubier).
Bataille, G.:
() L’expérience intérieure (Paris: Gallimard).
() L’Érotisme (Paris: Les Édition
Victor Man
By quoting 'Die Rose ist ohne Warum. Sie blühet weil sie blühet', a verse by Angelus Silesius, 17th century mystic and religious poet, the exhibition title sets a framework for examining an overall existential thematic that draws directly from Man’s autobiographical and intimate spiritual experience. This is his third solo exhibition with Galerie Neu and covers three yearsof the artist’s latest creative period.
Within a web of motifs ranging from nature and creation to personal imagery, the nine paintings on view explore the manifold shades of sentiments of love and closeness, just asthey illustrate the absence or rupture thereof. Recurring themes such as spiritual development find reference in biblical topics of the temptation of sin. Divine punishment and demise are thwarted by the explicit portrayal of ultimate fertility that is a fruit of love, the birth of achild (Rózsa Victoria). Moonlight (All Nations Flag), a reflection on entering and exiting theworld, is framed by two self-portraits, indicative of two pillars, titled Self Portrait With The Yellow Shadow of Christ. In concurrence, yet almost jarring in color definition and size, the surprisingly large-format paintings, Untitled (Adieu à Satan) and Flowering Ego, constitute attempts to exorcise