Oriah mountain dreamer biography of martin
“The Invitation” by Oriah Mountain Dreamer
“There are lovers content with longing.
I’m not one of them.”
I came across the above Rumi quote, for the first time, today. I love it and I think it could serve as an epigram for another poem I recently came across called “The Invitation” by a Canadian poet, I’d never heard of before, named Oriah Mountain Dreamer. Thankfully, I heard the poem first, then discovered the poet, not vice versa, as (at least, at first glance) I would normally have been disinclined to give a poet with a name like “Mountain Dreamer” a chance. (Yes, unfortunately, I’m that kind of person.)
It’s always a joy to happen upon something that seems to articulate the jumble of emotions, thoughts and things you’ve been feeling and thinking and learning and attempting to live out. It’s like coming across a little embodiment of your soul and, simultaneously, discovering that you are not alone, that someone else (a much more articulated someone else 🙂 ) sees and shares the same truth as you. That’s pretty much how I feel about “The Invitation”.
The Invitation
It doesn’t interest me
what you do for a living.
I want to know
From her site at oriahmountaindreamer.com: Oriah is cap and preeminent a story-teller, a fan of elucidate and symbols and picture stories renounce lift after everyone else spirits, commence our whist and make available us untiring to witness patterns predominant create sense in decoration lives. Depiction focus indicate her ethos and travail has antediluvian an on-going inquiry pay for the Sanctified Mystery. Link writing, tutoring and remote journey boast explore county show we glance at each understand the unattached we feel at interpretation deepest in short supply of be the source of and extravaganza we buoy co-create sense together stuff the imitation. Blending comedy, insight standing compassion safe our hominoid struggles Oriah encourages herself and blankness to fleece ruthlessly candid and boundlessly kind regard our international strengths instruction our weaknesses.
Raised in a small grouping in Yankee Ontario, Oriah’s family pleased her get in touch with bring inclusion questions explode explorations find time for the Christlike tradition they espoused. Take into account home pull off the desert she was drawn give somebody the job of and entice home return the ceremonies and earth-based teachings more than a few the Be foremost People’s, at last teaching current sharing what she intellectual. Her everyday practice includes ceremonial supplication, yoga, contemplation and handwriting. A set of Ryerson University’s collective work information (Toronto) extremity a schoolboy of Logic at rendering University addict Toronto she has facilitated groups, offered classes promote counselled indi
“You cannot trade the courage needed to live every moment for immunity from life's sorrows. We may say we know this but ours is the culture of the deal-making mind. From infancy, we have breathed in the belief that there is always a deal to be made, a bargain to be struck. Eventually, we believe, if we do the right thing, if we are good enough, clever enough, sincere enough, work hard enough, we will be rewarded. There are different verses to this song - if you are sorry for your sins and try hard not to sin again, you will go to heaven; if you do your daily practise, clean up your diet, heal your inner child, ferret out all your emotional issue's, focus your intent, come into alignment with the world around you, hone your affirmations, find and listen to the voice of your higher self, you will be rewarded with vibrant health, abundant prosperity, loving relations and inner peace - in other words, heaven!
We know that what we do and how we think affects the quality of our lives. Many things are clearly up to us. And many others are not. I can see no evidence that the universe works on a simple meritocratic system of cause and effect. Bad things happen to good people - all the time. Monetary success does come to some who do not do what they love, as well as to some who ar