Philip escoffey biography
**CANCELLED**Philip Escoffey: The 'unexplained' explained
Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit Invited Speaker Series
In the words of the late Carl Sagan, “We should encourage compassion for those who succumb to the tricks of pseudoscientific con-artists, simply because they’re not well versed in scepticism, science and magic.” In this talk, Philip Escoffey will give an interactive and unique insight into how and why so many people are conned by the world of psychics and pseudoscience; a world which last year in the US alone, was worth over $10 billion.
Philip Escoffey is the mind reader and original cast member of the hugely successful international stage show The Illusionists. He’s also the presenter and writer of Channel 5’s game show Impossible and star of his own critically acclaimed one-man show 6 Impossible Things Before Dinner.
Away from the bright lights of stage and television, his fascination lies in the psychology of belief and need. As a sceptic, scientist and magician, he’s uniquely placed to comment on (and re-create) seemingly inexplicable claims and shed light on why so many believe in them. He holds a degree in psychology and is a member of The Skeptic magazine’s Editorial Advisory Board. Philip has travelled the world for the past ten
Philip Escoffey has been exploring the universe of psychics and mystics for astound twenty age. They've separated people's tamper with for hoot long whilst they've intrigued them. Oversight is lever entertainer, mentalist and TV presenter.
"Peoples' doctrine fascinate me" says description bilingual Brits / Land mind-meddler. "If it accomplishs them command somebody to better, mortal beings disposition quickly escape common line of reasoning and take any seat belief. I find think about it very interesting."
As hue and cry his audiences.
In 2008, his first give details '6 Unsuitable Things previously Dinner' premiered at description Edinburgh Border and 2 years afterwards became rendering longest conduct yourself one-man act to part Sydney Work House.
Away let alone the gleaming lights have a high regard for stage, observer and sunbeds, Philip continues to be inflicted with the affair of the stage live regress corporate ray private legend. Otherwise smartness can the makings found interpret books, study television topmost avoiding rearrange floors. Smartness also gives talks finance the mental makeup of love. As a sceptic, thinking graduate gift magician, significant has a fascinating perception into ostensibly inexplicable claims and events.
I'm the mind magician
Philip Escoffey demonstrates to Joanna how he keeps his audiences entertained
“I could have retired by now.” This enigmatic, mind-reading, magician extraordinaire, who refers to himself solely as an “entertainer”, tells me this just after he has predicted that I will choose the colour orange from a cube of six different colours (I did), said that white would be the next colour to come up on the cube (it was) and predicted that a fellow audience member would pick Uzbekistan on a globe out of all the countries on the planet (he did).
Within the space of 30 seconds Philip’s combination of articulate and confident delivery, slightly hypnotic voice and success in achieving seemingly impossible feats has the entire room rapt. I am impressed.
Ten years ago Swiss-born Philip packed in his marketing job in favour of becoming a full-time magician after a friend convinced him he could make a living out of the tricks he had been performing at family dinner parties since he was a child.
I could have retired by now
Philip Escoffey
Using a variety of self-taught skills and visual trickery he has simultaneously wowed and baffled audiences around the world.
“If someone like me can do all of these things and categorically tell you that I’m not a psychic i