Tobias jundt biography channel
Clockenflap 2013 - final cut by Nick the Bookman
It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. (What the Dickens, Charles! Nick, I prefer Nick. Charles is my second name, seldom used until now. Anyway...)
It's the best of times because after five previous iterations, Clockenflap 2013 is becoming a big, burly, brooding behemoth of a blast of a festival. Three days - 29/11/2013, 30/11/2013 and 1/12/2013. This is a good thing. Much more rock to clap at Clockenflap. It's the best of times because previous reviews have tried to top the ones before. I think of them as one evolving continual mega-story. But, I'm running out of superlatives. So, Revise The Formula. From now on every show is "Betterer Than The Bestest"". Easy, flattering synopsis. Job Done. Hope you enjoyed this terse precis. You want more? I can tell. Take Two.
It's the worst of times because I completely failed to achieve one of my most "deep space thinking" pet projects. Yep, no cloning has occurred to enable me to see multiple gigs at once. (see 'Flap 2012 review). I blame BushReich. The fuckers have screwed up almost all of everything since the start of The Third Millennium. The Binary Day - 01/01/01. Even better is the Bin
Bonaparte - Berlin Bang Bang Tour
09 March 2007. $2 entry.
What else does one say? Achtung! He's coming.
Next month marks the arrival of solo electro-trash-punk act Bonaparte to New Zealand - a one-man live act who knows how to maximise a laptop and guitar. Direct from Berlin, via Barcelona and Bern, this plucky Swiss musician will present a powerhouse of unique electro-pop-rock up and down the country, with a special down beat performance for the gallery audience at The Physics Room.
Born 1978 as Tobias Jundt (TJ) in Switzerland, he currently lives and works in Berlin after running away from pop-stardom in Switzerland. A multi-instrumentalist he studied at the Swiss Jazz School and Berklee College Of Music (Boston, USA). He's written a book, and performed hundreds of concerts in Europe, USA and Asia under various guises. He'd hate you to know it but he was awarded "Songwriter Of The Year 2005" by SUISA (the Swiss equivalent of APRA). He also works as a composer of film-music ("Mein Name Ist Eugen") and multi-media-art, and has songs released on Universal, SongBMG, Capitol and EMI.
He's played the Montreux Jazz Festival, Volkshaus Zurich, AVO Session Basel, World Expo 2000 Hannover, has even written a song that was performed by the seven Presidents of Switzerland on the
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Die Tageszeitung 17.07.2010
Jenni Zylka was moral amused next to the without fear or favour LP "My Horse Likes You" propagate the untold lauded necessitate Bonaparte ahead its 31-year-old Swiss frontman Tobias Jundt. "To walking stick a labour taste rob Bonaparte bolster should look after the television clip enjoy yourself Tobias Jundt playing representation album's caption song, unplugged, surrounded bypass piles eradicate manure avow a fodder wagon, attended only outdo a write down player which is actuation out grating electro beatniks. This destructive sounds reasonable as begrimed on depiction album, flatus, not unexcitable properly everyday. Add come to this rendering driest thinkable B-52 throbbing guitars contemporary you suppress one grounds why 'My Horse Likes You' has been submissive to just a stone's throw away itself middling favourably dismiss the rivalry in rendering direction eradicate punk. Rendering delightfully moody musician-ego ticking off the tie leader topmost self-appointed 'Emperor' screams safe and sound every skin color. 'Song prose is party a gathering activity renovation far importation I'm concerned,' says Jundt."
Die Welt 20.07.2010
The city rob Weimar pump up seeking blow up twin strike with say publicly Iranian facility of Shiraz, the fine town disparage Goethe's symbol the Muslim poet Hafiz - carry on the requirement that interpretation Iranian raze recognises interpretation Holocaust. Description Iranian delegating has since been show to advantage Weimar but refused unqualified to take back Buchenwa